Week One - Frankenstein

Frankenstein - Mary Shelley

August 21, 2017

         When we think about “Frankenstein”, most people tend to believe that is the name of the monster created. The story of Frankenstein explains how the name of the scientist is actually Frankenstein, and the monster is simply, a monster that wanted a friend. It was interesting to read the letters that Mary Shelley’s story begins with involving Victor. At first it confused me, since I was expecting to go right into his story. It gives you an idea of what kind of relationship the two had, and gives a bit of a back story away from the monster story.  If you compare the story to how Frankenstein is portrayed in films, they seem to be very different. Like I said before, Frankenstein tends to be the monster in films. Although it is correct that the monster can get violent in all versions of Frankenstein, it still shows a difference. Although I didn't have time to completely finish the story, I'd say it was a nice way to start off the class/ semester. Frankenstein is a story we all know about, but may have not read the real story.


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